Home Based DDD Contracted Services
Respite caregivers allow other caregivers the opportunity to take a break from the duties and responsibilities of caring for a loved one. When caring for someone full-time, it's important to take time off to rest. This is where respite caregivers take over. A respite caregiver emotionally supports the primary caregiver and physically helps care for patients so loved ones can get relief. Respite hours provided through DDD can be used in home or in a center-based setting.
Our Trained Respite Providers will:
Assist family members in caring for the child at home or in our Center during business hours.
Provide appropriate care and supervision to ensure the child’s safety.
Relieve family members from the constantly demanding responsibility of caring for their loved one.
Attend to the child’s basic self-help needs and other activities of daily living including interaction, socialization, and continuation of usual daily routines which would ordinarily be performed by the family members
Habilitation is the assisting of a child with achieving developmental skills when impairments have caused delaying or blocking of initial acquisition of the skills. Habilitation can include cognitive, social, fine motor, gross motor, or other skills that contribute to mobility, communication, and performance of activities of daily living and enhance quality of life.
Our Habilitation Providers will:
Know and understand the individual goals of your child.
Be creative when developing a strategy to help your child achieve their goals.
Work with the family and support team to help identify goals and any behavior concerns to ensure proper services are provided.
Thoroughly document goals and progress as required
Attendant Care is a service that provides a qualified individual to supply needed services in order for an individual to remain in his/her home and/or participate in work/community activities.
The Goal of Attendant care:
To assist the member to attain or maintain safe and sanitary living conditions and/or maintain personal cleanliness and activities of daily living.
To assist the member to remain in his/her home and/or participate in community activities.
Attendant Care Services can include some or all of the following tasks:
Meal preparation and clean-up (e.g., meal planning, food preparation, cooking, storing food, cleaning the dishes);
Eating and assistance with eating (e.g., prompts to eat slowly, proper positioning while eating, monitoring for choking);
Bathing (e.g., transferring into the tub or shower, adjusting water temperature for safety, monitoring for drowning risk, use of assistive devices);
Dressing and grooming (e.g., oral hygiene, nail care, shaving, hair styling, putting on assistive devices);
Toileting (e.g., bowel and bladder care);
Housekeeping/homemaker and cleaning; 1.9 Laundry;
Attending to certified service animal needs;
Supervision, including behavior intervention techniques or other skills as identified on the member’s planning document;
Assisting the member in following his or her routine as determined by the priorities as identified on the member’s planning document;
Assisting in providing appropriate attention to injury and illness;
Maintaining skin integrity including the provision of first aid (i.e., prevention of pressure sores);
Referring for appropriate action all members who present additional medical or social problems during the course of the service delivery;
Assisting with self-administration of medication(s) or medication reminders;
Assistance to attain or maintain safe and sanitary living conditions as indicated in the member’s planning document; and
In unusual circumstances, the following tasks may be performed:
To attain safe living conditions:
Heavy cleaning, such as washing walls or ceilings, and
Yard work, such as cleaning the yard and hauling away debris.
To assist the member in obtaining and/or caring for basic material needs for water, heating, and food.
Making Milestones believes in “Play with a purpose” to help children of all abilities work towards their individual goals.
Our exceptional therapists specialize in developmental therapies including:
Physical Therapy
Occupational Therapy
Speech Therapy

Do you have a child that needs developmental therapy? Describe what you're looking for, and we can schedule your consultation right away.

Occupational Therapy

Speech Therapy

Physical Therapy

HIPPO Therapy

Respite Care

Day Treatment Programs